Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for veneers?

You may be a candidate for veneers if you wish to enhance your smile by correcting issues such as discolored, misaligned, or misshapen teeth. You may also be a candidate for veneers if you are looking for a permanent smile enhancement since veneers cannot be reversed once placed. To determine if you are a candidate for veneers, schedule a consultation with us today!

What is the veneer process?

To apply veneers, your teeth must first be prepared by removing about a millimeter off their surface. This is necessary so that the veneer shells maintain a natural appearance when placed on the surface of your teeth. Once your teeth have been prepared, a light-sensitive resin is used to bond the veneer shell to your tooth enamel with a special curing light.
There is also a no-prep veneer option which does not require the removal of tooth enamel and has a quicker application process. However, this option does not work for everyone, and you will want to consult with our dentists beforehand to determine if this is the best veneer option for you.

How long will the application process take?

The veneer application process will vary depending on your individual treatment plan. Generally, however, veneers are placed with two dental visits. During the first dental visit, the enamel will be removed and impressions will be taken of the teeth. These impressions are sent to the lab where the veneer shells are manufactured and sent back to our office within 1-2 weeks. During the second dental visit, the veneer shells will be adhered to the teeth.

Will veneers match my existing teeth?

To give your veneers a natural look, our dentists will match them with your existing teeth using a color chart before applying them. Since most patients desire a whiter smile, your teeth will usually undergo a whitening procedure before being color matched for veneers. That way your smile and your veneers will be whiter and brighter.

Will veneers hurt my teeth?

Veneers do not hurt your teeth, however they will permanently alter their shape since the enamel removed during their application cannot be replaced. While the small amount of enamel removed may cause a brief period of tooth sensitivity until your teeth adjust, it should cause no permanent damage.

Does the risk for cavities or tooth decay go up with veneers?

Veneers function in an identical way to natural teeth, so the chance of you developing cavities or tooth decay is no more or no less than it would be with natural teeth. To decrease this risk, be sure to take care of your veneers like you would your natural teeth. This means brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting our office for regular checkups.

Will veneers last forever?

Veneers unfortunately do not last forever, however if properly cared for they can last for up to 20 years. The lifespan of your veneers is based upon your dental habits and type of veneer. Porcelain veneers last longer than composite veneers and have an average lifespan of 10-15 years as opposed to 5-7 years.

How do I take care of my veneers?

Taking care of veneers is very similar to taking care of your natural teeth. Like natural teeth, veneers are strong, yet must be protected from destructive behaviors like chewing on ice or other hard substances, biting your fingernails, or opening packages with your teeth. You will also want to maintain your veneers by practicing good oral habits such as brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting our office twice a year for dental checkups. During your dental checkups and professional teeth cleaning, our dentists will polish your veneers with a special paste to maintain their color.

How Crowns and Bridges Are Done

After anesthesia, we take an impression for a custom temporary crown or bridge. Then, we reduce the height and circumference of the tooth or bridge abutment teeth, making sure to remove any decay. Once finished, we place a piece of cord in the gum pocket that looks like thick floss. The cord gently pushes the gum tissue away from the tooth, so we get a good impression.
After taking an impression, we will send it to a dental lab to have the crown/bridge fabricated.
Finally, we remove the cord and place the temporary crown. A few weeks later, the patient returns for their permanent crown or bridge.

What Can Patients Do to Prepare for the Procedure?

Patients with health conditions should discuss the appointment with their physician. Some patients need to pre-medicate before treatment, while others need to stop taking certain medications.

Does Crown and Bridge Work Hurt?

Because the dentist administers anesthesia, the patient should not experience any discomfort. After the procedure, they may feel some tooth sensitivity and possibly some gum soreness, both of which dissipate within a few days.

What Can Patients Expect After the Procedure?

After restorative or cosmetic dentistry, patients may need to eat a soft diet and avoid chewing on the side of the mouth where the work was done.

How Does a Patient Care for Their Teeth After This Procedure?

Patients should brush and floss as per normal. Warm salt-water rinses a couple of times a day can help with gum tenderness.

How Long Do Crowns and Bridges Last?

Crowns and bridges can last for years, in some cases up to 15 years or more.