Complete & Partial Dentures

Our natural teeth are always worth preserving, but there are times when, due to decay, trauma, or periodontal disease, teeth can be lost.

The Problem With Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can affect your ability to chew, leading to nutritional deficiencies. You may find that your ability to speak clearly is affected as well. Gaps in your smile can also lead to a shifting of your facial structure, or sagging of the face.

Without the tooth in place, other teeth may shift, which can also cause problems with dental alignment. Dentures are a great solution for all these problems because they are designed to mimic your teeth in look and function.

Full and Partial Dentures

There are two kinds of dentures – partial and full. Partial dentures are most appropriate for a patient who has experienced significant tooth loss but still has healthy teeth remaining. For a patient who has not lost an entire arch of teeth, a partial denture can replace missing teeth while preserving the health and structure of the remaining teeth. Full dentures are necessary when all the upper teeth and/or lower teeth are missing or removed.

We Create Natural-Looking Dentures

Concerned about the fake look of dentures? Customized dentures can give you your natural smile back and fill in the appearance of your face. Our goal is to work with you to ensure that the look of your new dentures exceeds your expectations. The natural look is achieved through DR.Bandi’s careful taking of multiple impressions of your jaw and the creation of a model to ensure that the final denture has the desired teeth color and fit.

The team at Lawndale smiles family dental uses its expertise to create customized dentures that look and feel natural, but it’s normal to experience initial discomfort as your mouth gets used to the dentures. However, this should dissipate in a few weeks.

If at that time you are still not comfortable with your dentures, please contact Lawndale smiles family dental. DR.Bandi will be happy to make any necessary adjustments. Our goal is for you to be satisfied and the quality of your life to improve with the use of the dentures.

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